
Addiction Resources

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General Addiction Resources

Addiction Treatment Forum
An educational site focusing on addiction issues, especially opiate addiction and treatment.
Alcoholics Anonymous Online
American Council on Alcoholism
Dedicated to educating the public about the effects of alcohol, alcoholism and treatment.
Crew 2000
Edinburgh drug agency that deals with harm prevention and advice for Ecstasy users. Has pages on Safer Dancing Guidelines and Guidelines for Club owners/Organisers
Do It Now Foundation
Publisher of prevention literature
Drug Price Reports
Lists of drug prices throughout the world.
Drug Testing Facts
Everything about drug testing, including stats, facts, techniques to pass tests and more.
Dual Diagnosis Website
Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism, MIDAA(R), MICA
Ecstasy Information Website
The website aims to gather and make accessible objective, authoritative and up to date information about the drug ecstasy (principally MDMA). It is non-profit and maintained by volunteers.
Erowid Entheogen Vaults
A well organized library of balanced, reliable entheogen information. Includes articles, chemistry, law, experiences, images, effects, and spiritual use for dozens of substances including ecstasy.
Focus Adolescent Services
Internet Clearinghouse of resources, support and information
Heroin Information Website
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence
UK organisation whose library holds a large number of papers on illicit drugs. Also publish 'Druglink'
Institute of Alcohol Studies
Information on alcohol and the social and health consequences of its misuse.
Johns Hopkins
Medical Institute in Baltimore carries out research into toxicity and thier latest results can be seen, besides you too can be a guinea pig!
Join Together Online:
National resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce substance abuse and gun violence.
Educational resource covering all aspects of alcoholism.
Mental Health Matters
Directory of mental health resources.
Methadone Anonymous
Website that answers questions about methadone and has Methadone Anonymous support.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA)
Information on the cost of substance abuse throughout society and its impact on our lives.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) Provides education, information, help and hope in the fight against substance abuse.
Taking a different approach and not "preaching" to our visitors, many of whom have not yet decided to give up using, we connect with them early on and help the forward-thinking addiction treatment centers position their brand for the inevitable point when the addict decides enough is enough. Our content is not geared to turn drug users away it's aimed to engage them. Our content is viral, our tone is unique, yet our message is clear. Drugs lead to a dead end. TheGoodDrugsGuide also maintais a very good drug forum.
The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Dedicated to promoting public and professional recognition, awareness and understanding of Sexual Addiction, Sexual Compulsivity, and Sexual Offending.
National Inhalant Prevention Coalition (NIPC)
A resource for parents, educators and professionals on inhalant abuse.
Psych Central Addiction Forums
Recovery Connection
UK based drugs and legal advice charity, committed to the civil rights of drug users, which has a 24 hour helpline. Also does innovative outreach work, especially at parties and festivals, and holds regular conferences.
A website and that helps people locate addiction treatment centers and drug rehabilitation programs.
Woodbury Reports presents resources for parents and professionals trying to help at-risk teenagers.
Teen Drug Abuse
Educational site about why teens begin using, what they are using, and how those drugs are affecting teens physically, socially, and mentally.
The Recovery Zone
Web of Addictions
Provides accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. Resource for anyone needing factual information about abused drugs.


UK based national organisation that campaigns for an 'Effective Drug Policy'. Website full of useful information, links and statistics. Excellent newsletter.
Global Legalise Initiative
Promoting legalisation of all illicit drugs.
Australian censorship
Australian Government's list of banned books about ecstasy

Self-Help Resources

AA Meetings Online:
Directory of AA meetings on the Internet.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)
Al-Anon & Alateen
Alcoholics Anonymous & Alcoholics Anonymous History
Spiritual roots of early AA
Anxiety Self Help
Center for On-Line Addiction (COLA)
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA)
Essence of Recovery
Food Addicts Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous
Gift From Within
International charity for survivors of trauma and victimization.
Internet Addiction
Marijuana Anonymous (MA)
Methadone Anonymous
Methadone Today
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
Nicotine Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
Recovery Life
Dedicated to spreading the message of hope and strength to everyone in recovery.
Recovery USA, IIc
Addiction Recovery Supplies
Recovery Zone
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA)
SMART Recovery
Self-Management & Recovery Training (A non-12 Step Recovery program)
Sober Sources Network
Sober Teens Online
The Sober Village
Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA)

Eating Disorder Resources

Academy for Eating Disorders (AED):
Multidisciplinary association of academic and clinical professionals with demonstrated interest and expertise in the field of eating disorders.
The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness:
Aim is to disseminate educational information to parents and caregivers about warning signs, dangers and consequences of anorexia, bulimia and other related eating disorders.
The American Anorexia Bulimia Association, Inc. (AABA):
The AABA works to increase the public's consciousness of Eating Disorders - their prevalence, the early warning signs and symptoms.
Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders, Inc.:
Provides information about eating and exercise disorders - general information, warning signs and details about recovery and prevention.
The Center for Healthy Living's Eating Disorder & Resource Guide:
Complete source for learning about eating disorders and treatment options.
Eating Disorders Referral and Information Center
Information and treatment resources for all forms of Eating Disorders.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD):
Dedicated to alleviating eating disorders and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA):
Dedicated to expanding public understanding of eating disorders and promoting access to quality treatment for those affected along with support for their families through education, advocacy and research.

Gambling Resources
National Center for Responsible Gambling
Mission is to help individuals and families affected by problem gambling disorders.
Provides information regarding problem and pathological(compulsive) gambling.
Information regarding compulsive gambling prevention and treatment.
Helps individuals and communities address gambling in a responsible way, through information, awareness/prevention, professional development and research.
Government Resources
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI):
Comprehensive source of information and searchable databases on substance abuse prevention.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(NIAAA):
Supports and conducts research on causes, consequences, treatment and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol related problems.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA):
Assures that quality substance abuse and mental health services are available to people in need and strives to ensure that prevention and treatment knowledge is used more effectively in the general health care system.

Studies & Research

(Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Research) MAPS focuses on the development of beneficial, socially-sanctioned uses of psychedelic drugs and marijuana. Such uses may include psychotherapeutic research and treatment, treatment of addiction, pain relief, spiritual exploration, shamanic healing, psychic research, brain physiology research and related scientific inquiries. MAPS pursues its mission by helping scientific researchers design, obtain governmental approval for, fund, conduct and report on psychedelic research in human volunteers. MAPS also publishes a quarterly publication which contains interesting articles by experts in the field, sent to its members as well as a large number of government policy makers and academic experts. Most articles can be read online.
Heffter Research InstituteAcademic psychedelic site."The mission of the Heffter Research Institute is to conduct research of the highest scientific quality with psychedelic substances in order to contribute to a greater understanding of the mind, leading to the improvement of the human condition, and the alleviation of suffering. This mission has already begun to attract scientists and researchers of the highest calibre. The information and new knowledge gained will be disseminated to the medical and scientific communities."
Council on Spiritual Practices
Among its first areas of inquiry, the Council is studying the spiritual implications of entheogenic substances.
Island Foundation
Founded in 1990 by Bruce Eisner, the Island Foundation is a non-profit organisation composed of individuals dedicated to the creation of a psychedelic culture. The group is named for English novelist Aldous Huxley's last novel, Island about a utopian culture called Pala.
Italian Society for Study of States of Consciousness
For "gathering and spreading information concerning states of consciousness". Publishes Eleusis quarterly.


PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) Part 2: The Chemical Story, by Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin. This is the fascinating book where the synthesis and effects of 179 psychoactive drugs including MDMA is described, full of both detail and humour, free on line.
Loompanics (Mail Order)
They publish and sell books relevant to manufacture and use of illicit drugs
Synthesis Books publisher of The Complete Book of Ecstacy, judged by manufacturers to be the best book on how to make MDMA.


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