Monday, November 28, 2011

Hope for those Suffering from Cocaine Addiction found in the True Story of Johnny Delirious

Today there are more deaths from drugs than from traffic accidents! 

There is nothing more painful than to see a family member or loved one start down the path of drug abuse and addiction, especially cocaine. The result is often death from overdose, a disease like hepatitis or AIDS, or ending up on the wrong end of a firearm. 

Many of us know the problem, but can we understand, use and apply the solutions? Only those who have been on both sides of life and death of cocaine addiction and disease really understands what it takes for prevention, not to mention complete recovery. This is my story. Many people say that I'm a dead man walking.

In fact, I stopped going to my high school and college reunions years ago because too many of my old friends and classmates had that "deer in the headlights" look when they saw me walk in! People would say things like, "I thought you were kidnapped in Guatemala," or "The last I heard you were on a sailboat that did not make it the Canaries." 

In short, the thought that my family and friends, I would never stop using cocaine or survive life-threatening hepatitis C. But in 1991, when I operated a lab in Dallas, a family intervention ended with me in a hospital for my last treatment of cocaine addiction - which may have saved my life, as I have been free of all mood-altering substances since then. At the time I was dying of hepatitis A, B and C as well as cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors had given me eight months to live - if I had the chance - and they wondered why I was still alive at the time. They said a liver transplant was my only hope for survival, but I opted out of the transplant and treatment protocol. The doctors further diagnosed me as "delirious." Delirious and near death, I found my own way of recovering from hepatitis. Although over the past 20 years my sobriety had never lasted. Everyone thought that I would relapse and start doing cocaine again. You see, this was not my first intervention. There were many others. Except for my brother, my family had abandoned all hope several years ago. Everyone always said I did not have a prayer of staying clean of cocaine or surviving hepatitis. BUT, I am now clean and sober since 1991 ... and since 1994 I have no viral hepatitis A, B or C without antibodies or markers! Today I am a man of 58 years of age at the peak of health, according to experts, "I have the liver of a 20 year old."

My father was a Tulane graduate with a medical clinic that was very familiar to me growing up. As a kid, I loved going to the lab and using the microscope where the lab tech would enjoy showing me the tests he was doing, how it all worked and what disease looked like in blood and urine under the microscope and the centrifuge, My mother would drop me off at the lab from time-to-time when she could not watch me. To her, I was okay and it was better than a babysitter. To me, it was an adventure!

I continued the work of analysis as a professional, then as chairman of the laboratory for more than 8 years, even becoming a thought leader throughout the nutritional supplement industry for more than 24 years. Collecting in-depth knowledge of nutrition, addictions, and the improvement of the human body, together with my natural recovery from hepatitis A, B and C, and cocaine addiction, I have come to focus in particular on the development of liver health and well prevention solutions. My goal is to help the world achieve a healthy liver, and all for free would be a terrible trap of addiction to cocaine. Many programs now offer health and social work for young people, helping them get the right mindset early on in order to avoid dependency and disease. Prevention is the key! Still, unfortunately many do not consider a healthy liver an integral part of the restoration of self-sufficiency for our young people to prevent illness and addiction.

One of the things we agree on is that depression and low self-esteem are the precursors of youth turning to drugs as an escape, as well as a way to cope. Peer pressure and emotions promote the desire to consume psychoactive substances regularly. I know for a fact that good liver health will to correct chemical imbalance in the blood to counteract depression and low self-esteem at an early age. The fast food generation x, y and z are overweight and not exercising enough and many live their lives in a virtual world of computer games, movies and television. If there were a way of making liver health fun, children today would have a good chance of being drug free in our world. I have a plan that will encourage young people to make wise choices in food and activities in which the liver is imposed to maintain the correct chemical balance in the blood to counteract depression and low self esteem.

The result is a strong-willed and determined the goals of young people to become self-sufficient, and the utility of intentional life. This is my vision that the shapes of universities and skills, because children just want it. 

Johnny Delirious today
My recovery from cocaine and hepatitis work! Why? I have found a better way to see life without it. My path may be a method of prevention of drug abuse and disease in our society. From my point of view, there are alternatives that can be easily implemented. With my professional background, combined with two unique recoveries, I have insight to a unique new approaches to prevention programs. My real life story of drug addiction and hepatitis can be more convincing than the virtual world, children want to live, especially if they have a chance to hear my story. My vision is to help any organization that helps our young people, because the young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow.

My real life story of drug addiction and hepatitis can be more convincing than the virtual world kids choose to live in today, especially if they have a chance to hear my story. My vision is to help any organization that helps our youth of today, become the leaders of tomorrow

Written By: Johnny Delirious

About the Author: Johnny Delirious has a master's degree in natural health with an emphasis on how to recover from Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham, AL and is an expert in alternative medicine in multiple networks. He lives in Texas and enjoy a fruitful and healthy life. Read more at and

This article has been edited from "New Hope with Cocaine Addiction" for Addicts NOT Anonymous by Tom Retterbush

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Loving to Get High

Loving to Get High is what Addiction is all about. 

"Loving to Get High" is the reason behind continued use, despite consequences. It hooks an addict at a deep and visceral level, going beyond common sense and logic. It is behind all of the deception and the ruse of the secret life of an addict. It is also the most unrecognized aspect of the path to addiction. It is ignored by social workers, addiction counselors, educators and Doctors. Parents have no clue that this secret love relationship exists.

“Loving to Get High” gives reason for the addict to keep this duplicitous life going. Secretly the addict knows that if someone figures out the power and strength of this love relationship, it will come to an end.

Therefore we have the biggest cat and mouse game imaginable.

What I’m talking about, I have learned from working with “adolescents in denial”, but more importantly I learned all about this from my son who got high for three years without my wife or me figuring it out. This either made us naïve or him a very good liar, or maybe a little of both.

Bottom line, our son loved to get high and did everything possible to keep it a secret; including being sweet, cooperative and considerate. He continued to go to church with us and attend youth group. But he had a secret life; he loved to get high. His drug of choice was ‘acid’; he smoked a lot of ‘pot’ and the bottom fell out of his lie and life when he got high on ‘Angel Dust’.

When the assessment counselor told us that our son was an inch away from going into treatment we were shocked. How could he have let this go so far? As a parent it was disconcerting that our son was in this much trouble and we had not done something about it.

As a professional I knew better, not to fall for the excuses like; he’s depressed or he’s being bullied in school, he has reasons to act this way. But as a parent it was different, it was my son, not a client or someone else’s kid.

As a professional it actually brought about a break through. Now I figured out how deep seated and understandable “parent denial” was. There is a reason it’s hard to get to the bottom of this issue. Kids and parents are both victims to this secret ‘loving to get high’ relationship.

Maybe this experience could benefit parents everywhere. If I could help them figure out ahead of time that they were being lied to by a son/daughter who had a lot to lose, by you figuring out what was going on, it would all be worth it.

When I looked back at my career I realized that in the back of my mind, I actually knew what to look for, unfortunately this never came to mind. Thirty-two years ago I worked at a treatment center that used, what I thought, was a unique definition to addiction. It goes like this;

“A primary, love-trust relationship with a mood-altering-chemical, (MAC)
that systematically changes a persons, attitude, values, goals and relationships.”

I’ve occasionally referred to this definition, but have never heard it used by any other program or counselor. I may have assumed that it was a good definition for its time, but not relevant to the parenting, prevention or treatment of adolescent addiction.

It was not until the “the Loving to Get High Syndrome” hit home, that this idea of a “primary love/trust relationship with a MAC” started making sense. I guess this treatment program was on to something.

I remember telling parents that since this relationship was ‘primary’ that everything and everyone in their kid’s life had become secondary; including school, values, goals and them as parents. We also talked about infatuation, which is a form of head over heels love that affects our thinking, judgment, priorities, moods, etc.

All of these great teaching tools disappeared when it came to raising my own son. Maybe this happened for a reason. What I was considering a nice idea about addiction and a helpful teaching tool for parents, actually ends up to be much more significant. It’s not just a good idea; it’s the essence of addiction.

The “Loving to Get High Syndrome” is beneath and before any addiction.

• The “automobile of addiction” goes nowhere without the fuel of “loving to get high”.
• The “D.N.A. of addiction” is found in “loving to get high”.
• The “conception of addiction” is the “realization that ‘I love the way this makes me feel’.
• The “disease of addiction” is in the “biology of loving to get high.”

There is so much significance in “Loving to get high”, that I would dare say that addiction would not exist without it. And it is the part of the problem that we totally ignore. It is also a part of the solution that we are not tapping into.

If you’re a parent a big part of the solution is figuring out what is going on and doing something about it. First thing is for you to realize that there is a reason for an addict to lie, even if it is your sweet and innocent son or daughter. That’s what this is all about.

The second thing is for you to know very specifically what you are looking for. Here is a list of signs and symptoms that will help you identify what this “Loving to Get High Syndrome” looks like.

• Lying, in order to not get busted.
• Minimizing problems that are connected to getting high and drunk.
• Blaming others for things that I did.
• Drama, crying, hysterics; strong put-on emotions, to make you too worried to act.
• Guilt producing accusations towards you.
• Telling you things like; “You don’t trust me!” “Why are you so mean to me?”
• Comparing you to other parents, “Joe’s parents let him stay out all night”.
• Sneaking around and suspicious behavior.
• Elaborate excuses for this, that and the other thing.
• Intimidating and threatening behavior to get you to back down.
• Good grades. “How could some with straight ‘A’s’ be getting high?”
• Good behavior and compliance, letting you know that “You can trust me”.
• Bad behavior and Defiance, letting you know that “You can’t control me!”
• Erratic behavior and out of control behavior.
• An “I don’t care and what are you going to do about it?” attitude.
• Skipping out of family activities.
• Laziness and procrastination.
• Extra social and new friends.
• Using “Axe” body spray to cover up the smell of pot.

“It’s time to talk!” Your denial of what’s been going on has been connected to not knowing; being confused, feeling insecure about what the deal is. Now with what you are learning it’s time to act.

When my wife and I figured out that our son was using we did three things immediately; had a drug use assessment done by a counselor, started doing random drug tests and the third thing was to go to an educational class for parents in the community.

These 3 steps started a process of getting help; for our son and for us. We went to Alanon Group for parents and our son went to Alcoholics Anonymous and got a sponsor. It wasn’t easy, but it was a pro-active process that created results and addressed the problem.

All I can say is start; begin your own pro-active process and good-luck.

Written By: Timothy Titus M.P.H.

Check out the Timothy Titus website, Teenage Drug Use; Loving to Get High Syndrome at

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Good Life Bad Life

Your life is a reflection of your perceptions.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that perception influences everything in your life. If you see the world as good, it is good. If you see it as bad, it is bad. Your life is a reflection of your perceptions. Even though we know attitude is everything, many of us trip ourselves up by focusing more on our perception of bad than our perception of good. And we judge ourselves more harshly than anyone else.

As a numerologist, I see in the charts of my clients all the traits they were born with. I see their strengths and weaknesses, I see the potential they came here with. I see how they are living their lives. I listen to their concerns and see that they have the answers. All they need is a little guidance and a shift in perception to get them back on track.

In addition to personality traits, I see the soul's qualities - the tremendous potential to do great things, the innate power and the heart's desire that will lead them to fulfill an exciting and joyful purpose. I see the qualities that can strengthen them to heal their vulnerability. I see a complete being who has all the tools they need to live an inwardly and outwardly successful life; a person who has the power to be authentic in every way.

I've never seen a numerology chart that tells me a person is powerless or inferior. When I look at a person's chart, I see someone who can influence the world in a positive way just by being who they are; just by following their soul's desire. I see the strengths they possess to overcome their weaknesses. What a person sees as problems I see as a wealth of information.

I see the way a person perceives him or herself. I see that he or she is focusing more on weaknesses than strengths. In working with people, my intention is to help them focus more on their strengths and see their problems as challenges they chose to help them create a happier life.

I've never met a person, however, who perceives him or herself that way. Most of us see ourselves as flawed human beings, and we allow that perception to influence our lives on every level.

What if we are not flawed? What if, in recognizing our so-called weaknesses, we are simply seeing lessons we chose to learn? If we could look at our problems as information, how would it influence our lives? If you could see yourself as a soul with a positive purpose, with the power to master your challenges, how would that change your life?

You can choose to change your perception of yourself. You can choose to see the innate abilities you have. You can choose to love yourself and appreciate who you really are. Deep in your heart you know the answers to all your questions. Once you make the decision to be who you really are, you will attract the right people to help you. You will be attracted to the right information and the right situations to help you unfold your true self. All you need to do is decide.

My book teaches you how to use numerology to learn who you are, what you are doing here, and where you are going. Take a look and sample You Were Born to Succeed: Finding Your Purpose though Numerology. Only you can decide what is appropriate for your growth.

Each of us is on a journey of spiritual growth. Each of us was born to succeed. We can choose to create a life of joy or live a problem-filled existence.  Here are some words of Native American wisdom.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."* 

It behooves us to be aware of which one we are feeding.

Live your purpose every day.

Written By: Nancy Fairbrother

Nancy Fairbrother is a psychotherapist and metaphysician who used modalities from psychology and metaphysics in her private counseling practice. When she retired from private practice she wrote You Were Born to Succeed: Finding Your Purpose though Numerology from a desire to share her experience with people all over the world.

"We are moving toward a new paradigm that is unfolding through the discoveries in quantum physics," she says. "We are discovering that science and spirit are two sides of the same coin." You can see more articles on her Numerology - Discover Your Purpose blog.

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